Top Five Ways to Use AquaVault Products (Away From the Beach)

We all know how great AquaVault products are for a trip to the beach. (Our FlexSafe attaches to your lounge chair keeping your valuables safe; our phone waterproof floating phone case keeps your phone protected and dry + turns your phone into an underwater camera; and our ChargeCard keeps your phone/speaker/iPad running all day with a full charge.)Â
But let's talk about the many uses for our products when we're not at the beach!

1. Attach the FlexSafe to your bike, and it instantly turns into a 'pocket' for your bike! Stash your cash and other valuables and keep everything with you worry-free!

2. Speaking of biking ... have you ever used your phone as for navigation (or music) on your ride? No worry of running the battery down. The ChargeCard will keep you running from start to finish.
3. With cooler temps, it a great time to be on the water kayaking or paddle boarding. Never miss a photo op! Keep your phone with you with confidence, secured in our waterproof phone case. Not only will it keep your phone dry, if you happen to drop it in the water, it will float rather than sinking to the bottom.
4. Moms know that a stroller never has enough space or compartments for all of the baby 'accessories.' Strap the FlexSafe to your stroller and instantly increase your capacity. Not only do you have more space, you can also lock up the valuables on your walk.
5. Self-care is a necessity. Enjoy your favorite guilty-pleasure show streaming from your device while you enjoy your next bubble bath, all while keeping your phone protected in our waterproof phone case.Â