AquaVault and your stay at the Delano Hotel South Beach

If you have not stayed at the Delano Hotel in South Beach you should check it out (or maybe it should be check in!) and change that status as soon as possible.  Located in the heart of South Beach, The Delano is an Art Deco masterpiece with a timeless feel – classic and at the same time hip, yet incredibly elegant and great fun. People can walk in or out of the Delano at any time. Famous and not-so famous people call it their home in South Beach. It really is a place to see and be seen.

AquaVault is thrilled that our portable safe is now available for rent at the Delano Hotel beach.  The Delano is supremely interested in having its guests have the absolute best experience during their stay.  AquaVault’s portable outdoor lockbox is now part of the every day landscape.
There are several outstanding restaurant and cocktail lounge choices in the Delano Hotel and sometimes guests may want to keep their lounge chair while they lunch or have a meeting.  AquaVault’s proprietary (and smart-looking we like to think) beach safe is super-strong, very light and attaches to your lounge chair in a snap.
The Delano South Beach and AquaVault are a perfect combination for a great vacation!