AquaVault is Truly Ritzy

The Ritz Carlton South Beach is a totally gorgeous hotel. We can tell from the photos but we wish we could say that we’ve stayed there. Someday soon we hope. The Ritz Carlton brand is among the highest rated hotel brands in the world. We are proud to announce that the AquaVault portable outdoor beach safe can be rented at the hotel beach.
So why would the Ritz Carlton – one of the world’s most renowned hotel brands, want to offer AquaVault to its valued guests? Because having guests feel that there valuables are safe while lying on the beach makes for a better experience and everyone knows Ritz Carlton is supremely interested in providing a top quality guest experience.  It’s not a coincidence that we feel the same way at AquaVault!
AquaVault’s proprietary (and smart-looking we like to think) beach safe is super-strong, very light and attaches to your lounge chair in a snap.  Your iPad mini, phone, cash, sunglasses, and keys all will fit easily into an AquaVault so you can bring all your important stuff, lock up and swim! And what could be better than being at The Ritz Carlton Miami Beach feeling safe and secure!