Head to warmer places with AquaVault

It’s already become cold all over the United States. In fact on Tuesday this past week the temperature reached freezing or below in all fifty U.S. states (how Hawaii gets in there is a bit of mystery – maybe one of the tops of the volcanoes?).
But pity poor Buffalo as it just keeps on snowing. In fact 9 feet of snow might accumulate in Buffalo in just this week! Naturally residents of Buffalo (and just about everywhere else) are thinking about summer and warmer temperatures – and it’s still only mid-November!Â
So many people are now thinking, or plotting how to get away from the awful cold weather to enjoy the sun, beach, or pool in some tropical location. The AquaVault portable outdoor safe is just the thing to make your getaway a little bit more enjoyable. After all – nobody wants their stuff stolen while they are in the pool or in the water at the beach.
The AquaVault beach safe secures to your lounge chair and  is small enough to fit easily in your luggage (tip is to fill it with things before you put in it your suitcase), and yet it’s large enough to hold your keys, wallet, phone, iPad mini, sunglasses and even an energy bar or two. You lock it to your lounge chair and then enjoy a worry free day doing whatever strikes your fancy!
AquaVault is available for rental in more and more fine hotels around the U.S. but you can also buy one for yourself right here. At AquaVault we like to say – ‘Lock up and swim’ and for our friends in Buffalo we hope they dig out safely and soon!
- Tags: AquaVault Buffalo Snow Warm Weather