How an AquaVault is like a day at the beach

When you think about a day at the beach (which is pretty tough when the temperature outside is under 20 degrees like much of the U.S. is experiencing), you think carefree, soft breezes and good times.
Well Aqua Vault is found on many beaches of Florida, California and even around the world (Denmark LOVES AquaVault apparently). AquaVault’s portable outdoor pool and beach safe makes your day at the beach even better. Don’t worry about having your valuables pilfered while taking a walk or going for a swim. AquaVault’s proprietary lockbox design (made from ultra-tough ABS plastic) offers a surprising amount of storage for all the things you might need while at the beach.
Forget your combo? AquaVault’s got it covered – or recovered since your individual lockbox code can be securely kept on our website to retrieve whenever or if you forget it. It’s sort of like a personal locker for your locker!
So many people when they first see an AquaVault portable safe say – “what a great idea”. And to think they have not even used it – yet. Make your next beach vacation as carefree as a summer breeze with your own personal AquaVault beach safe.