Top 11 Products to Start Your New Year on the Right Foot

Top 11 Products to Start Your New Year on the Right Foot
Whether it’s common to start the year declaring, “Out with the old, in with the new” or “This is the year I’ll…”  when it comes to actually getting your resolutions accomplished, we often settle into our old routines and lose the momentum of getting our butts in gear to make those positive changes.
Whether you’re setting your resolutions to be more active, spending more time on self-care or looking to get more organized in and around the home, these 11 products will help you check off the boxes and ensure your new year starts on the right foot.
Number one on the list? ...
ChargeCard: The Credit-Card-Size Portable Charger (fits in your wallet)

(SHARK TANK company) It’s finally here … a powerful Portable Charger that’s the size of a credit card so it fits in your wallet. It charges BOTH iPhones and Androids and even has charging cables built in. Never again worry about your phone dying while you’re on the go!