Haute Living's 10 Small Businesses To Know & Follow In 2022

Number one on the list? You guessed it! AquaVault.
Where do you put your valuables when going for a swim? You probably remember these guys from SHARK TANK as the friends that got robbed while going for a swim and decided to invent the AquaVault which is the portable safe that locks onto lounge chairs to secure your valuables. Chances are you’ve seen their safes at many of the hotels, theme parks, waterparks, and cruise ships around the world. Fast forward a few years and here they go again revolutionizing an industry in need of a face-lift. The inventors Jonathan Kinas, Robert Peck, and Avin Samtani decided to create a portable charger the size of a credit card that fits in your wallet. They realized that countless people had portable chargers but were leaving them at home. The reason being is that nobody likes carrying around a device that’s heavy, cumbersome, and built like a brick.
“Bulky portable chargers are certainly functional, but when you leave them at home doesn’t that defeat the purpose?” The AquaVault founders explained. The ChargeCard, which they cleverly named it, has the look and feel of a credit card while only weighing 2.2 ounces. It’s literally so thin and tiny that it fits in the credit card slot of your wallet. In addition, the charging cables are built-in. That means you no longer have to worry about wrapping your six-foot charging cord around your charger. The ChargeCard can also charge both iPhone and Android as each charger comes with multiple charging cables in the box. These guys simply figured it out and designed a powerful little charger that provides unlimited freedom. You can go anywhere in the world and never worry about running out of battery. Whether you’re skiing the slopes in Aspen or meeting your friends at a cafe in Italy, you never have to worry about battery life again. It can even be incorporated into your everyday routine at the gym, on a bike ride, at the grocery store, or on the golf course. Just pull out your wallet, slip out the ChargeCard and instantly begin charging your phone.
It is clear that the driving force behind AquaVault’s innovative products is the perpetual desire to challenge the norms and disrupt industries. These guys clearly think outside the box and constantly look to identify inefficiencies in the way markets operate. Over the years, they’ve been featured on billboards in Time’s Square and in countless outlets such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, CNBC, Fox, and Good Morning America to name a few. The founders of AquaVault have certainly made a name for themselves in the travel security space and following the overwhelming success they have seen from their flagship invention which is the portable safe, it’s safe to assume that they will continue to innovate products that deliver the optimal solution to travelers around the world.
Read the full article here.