AquaVault – when it comes to beach and pool safety accept no imitations

AquaVault – when it comes to beach and pool safety accept no imitations

It is often said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  But when it comes to worry-free enjoyment when you are at the pool or beach AquaVault’s portable outdoor safe has the competition beat by light years.

We tested and tested our proprietary casing and locking mechanism.  There’s nothing like it on the market today.  AquaVault’s unique lounge and beach chair lockbox is large enough to store your phone, your iPad mini or Amazon Kindle, your keys, your sunglasses and even an energy bar or two in case you get a little hungry.   When you go into water or for a long walk you don’t want to worry about whether your stuff will be there when you get back.

Hotels all over the U.S. and now around the world have gotten the word and many are now offering AquaVault’s outdoor safe for daily or even weekly rentals. But you can buy one right now at and save the rental fees.  After a short time buying your own AquaVault pays for itself when you consider hotel rental fees of $5, $10 or even $15 per day.

Remember to be sure it’s the real and original AquaVault lockbox as there are imitations (cheap as they may be) that are aimed to fool you.  We know you are too smart for that but tell your friends just in case.