AquaVault – featured in Forbes Top 10 Gifts!

Over the years, Forbes Magazine has done a great job in maintaining its brand relevance. Once thought of as a somewhat stodgy business publication, traffic to the site has exploded in the past few years. Yup today Forbes is – hip! Who-da thunk it?
Here at AquaVault we feel that we too are on the cutting edge with our beach safe that offers peace of mind when on vacation at the pool or beach. So it would seem to be a fine match that Forbes would want to feature AquaVault as one of its top travel gifts for the holiday season!
Forbes Contributing writer Andrew Bender has a piece in this month’s issue “10 great gifts for travelers” (the 2014 version). Right smack in the middle is his review of Aqua Vault,
“It’s a perennial problem at the pool or beach: what to do with your phone, keys, wallet and watch when you head into the water? Enter the AquaVault, a mini-safe that attaches to a lounge chair, bannister, boat railing or bicycle, to keep your stuff safe. Invented by some recent college grads whose valuables were stolen from their shoes while they were swimming steps away in South Beach, the AquaVault debuted this May and is already standard equipment at some of Florida’s leading hotels. “
Thanks Andrew – we could not have said it better ourselves!